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PRISMA airdrops

There are two PRISMA airdrops:

  1. The first airdrop goes to people who voted in favor of this Curve DAO proposal, either directly (on Curve with veCRV) or indirectly (e.g. on Convex with vlCVX)
  2. The second airdrop goes to early Prisma users (everyone who used Prisma and earned Prisma Points up until November 2, 2023)

These airdrops take the form of locked vePRISMA tokens. There are two possible ways to claim them:

  1. Claim locked vePRISMA tokens: claiming this way will give you vePRISMA tokens locked for 12 & 6 months (respectively, for airdrops 1 and 2) on the Prisma app. They can be unlocked by paying a fee that decreases over time – you need to wait the full 12 & 6 months in order to unlock them without a fee. (Read more about this 100%→0% decaying fee.) Using this option on Convex does exactly the same thing as claiming directly on Prisma.
  2. Or claim cvxPRISMA tokens: this second option gives you a balance of cvxPRISMA tokens that are NOT locked. You can move them around as you wish, or stake those cvxPRISMA tokens on Convex to earn a share of the usual rewards from vePRISMA, plus a share of Convex boosted boost fees, and CVX tokens on top of that. Important: Converting PRISMA to cvxPRISMA is irreversible. You may stake and unstake cvxPRISMA tokens, but not convert them back to PRISMA. Secondary markets however exist to allow the exchange of cvxPRISMA for PRISMA at varying market rates.

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